The Other Side of Persistence and Letting Go

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“Always stick to the plan!!” This is what was told over and over again when I set up my first business. And it stuck with me, like a broken record, a relentless mantra, forever reminding me, even when what I was doing something that just didn’t feel right anymore I just needed to STICK TO THE PLAN.  

Giving up or changing the plan would be tantamount to failing. Or so I used to think.

And here brings me to the trials and tribulations of building Property Girl’s virtual shop front! (I Know, not entirely property related, but stick with me!) 

It’s been a journey and a half, one which started over two years ago. It’s a story of growth, evolution and a lot of learnings.

Transformation happened. 

 I didn’t end up with what I began with. It transformed, grew and evolved, as I did. And presented many unique and testing challenges too! 

I started building my site on one platform. As much as I had the vision, the desire, the dream that I wanted to turn into a reality, I was starting to feel stuck. And I almost got to the finish line. Then I stopped. The challenge I’d accepted felt too hard.   

It just didn’t work for me. What had started out as a passion project was actually draining me. External factors in my rollercoaster life didn’t help either. But all the joy and excitement was gone. It felt like a chore, and I just couldn’t put my high vibe energy into it. 

I started on one platform and finished on another. But it took me a while to accept that the platform I’d chosen originally and the way in which it worked eventually held me back. 

“Stick to the plan” was ringing in my ears. 

But I clung to this platform. I was committed. I didn’t give up. To give up, change direction was failing, right? 


Eventually……..I stopped. Scrapped my original build and started over. 

 It wasn’t easy! But once I’d come to terms with starting from scratch, made the decision, let go, and took action, it released me from everything that just didn’t feel aligned and right. 

And I flew! 

My passion came back, as did the excitement and joy, and although it took some time to learn and navigate how the new platform worked, I got it done in a fraction of the time. I LOVED it! 

And do you know what I realised? 

 Despite the journey, the challenges, the obstacles, and a diversion here and there, I crossed the finish line and fulfilled my goal – my vision, my desire to make an impact and my ability to help gorgeous women is out there, and it didn’t matter that I’d taken a different route to get to this point. All that mattered was that I achieved my goal, and this time it felt easy. It felt right.

I also realised that it was me holding me back for so long. I was clinging onto something so tightly that no longer served me, just because of an age old narrative that should have been gracefully let go of a long time ago. 

Because IT IS ok to let go.

Life is a platform for learning, evolving, growing and opportunity to flourish in a way that works for you and this applies to your journey and desire to invest into property for your beautiful future and that of your tenants too. 

I had no clue how to build a website, let alone what nameservers are or how I’d connect emails to domains, but I did it. 

And equally once upon a time, I had no idea where to start with property, where to look, what I needed to know (I remember shaking when I put my first offer in) how to find tenants or what I needed to successfully manage rental properties.

So I am here to tell you that you can do anything you put your gorgeous mind to including taking that first step and buying your investment property. You are so capable. Look at what you’ve achieved in your life already. You’re brilliant! 

Be open to new ways – It’s good to have a plan, but the path you end up taking may unfold in ways you weren’t expecting and that’s ok. That’s what makes life interesting and what leads you to fulfilling your dreams and goals. If you resist too much, the excitement fades and it can all feel too hard and you end up feeling stuck. If you need to, change it up! 

One size does not fit all. This is YOUR personal journey, no one else’s, so don’t compare your Chapter 1 to someone else’s 1542. Their strategy, their journey and property goals may be great for them, but not fit you or your circumstances. That’s ok!

And let go of anything that doesn’t work for you or doesn’t feel right. I’ve learnt that we can spend too much trying to stick to a plan that doesn’t work, because we think we should, or we worry that it’s failing. It’s so not! Sometimes you need to let go of expectations in order to progress.

And learn as you go. It’s rewarding! And you’ll probably learn far more than you ever anticipated 

I’ll leave you with a few questions to ask yourself….

What do you need to let go off? 

What or who is no longer serving your best interests and what is stopping you from moving forward? 

If you’re finding resistance in what you’re doing, stop and ask yourself why? Does it feel right? Is there a better/different way?

And if you’re struggling with your next steps, or what you should do to get started, or feel like you need to know more, let’s talk! 

….you just need a cheerleader in your corner who absolutely believes in your capabilities and some badass Property Queen pointers to get you started, up level and harness your power.

I know exactly how it feels when you're starting out and the rollercoaster of emotions that come with it. It's exciting and daunting all at the same time, and you end up questioning whether you're doing the right thing, wonder what you need to do next or if you should be doing it at all.

The Property Power Hour may just be perfect for you. Take a look here and get in touch.


Download my Landlord Queen Starter Kit for FREE here – the time is now gorgeous! Take control of your life, step into your power and design the life you were always meant for. 


Much love Rebecca xx.png



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